The Samsara Book is an important item that explains the circle of life to those trapped in the Samsara Room.
Samsara Room[]
The Samsara Book is found on a bookshelf that is too high for William to reach in the Normal Room. After transforming into the gecko and walking on the ceiling in the Gecko Room, he is able to knock the book to the ground and read it.
The images are as follows:
- The book cover reveals the time to set the clock to in the Fish Room.
- The first page states the book title as "Samsara - The Circle of Life".
- The second page reveals the circle of life, revolving around the white cube. It involves the Soul, the heart, the fish, the gecko, the worm, and the bird egg.
- The third page depicts a drawing of the tree from Rusty Lake: Roots.
- The fourth page shows that the "seed of sacrifice" must be planted into the flower pot and watered for it to grow into a flower.
- The fifth page explains that setting the clocks in the Normal, Fish and Gecko Rooms to their correct times will unlock the triangle keys.
- The sixth page states that "The past is never dead", and shows the time to set the clock in the Normal Room.
- The seventh page states that "mirrors don't lie", with drawings of the Soul, fish, gecko, and worm.