Rusty Lake Wiki

The White Door is is a private mental health facility where patients are treated for mental illnesses that impact the mind and neurological behavior. It is stated to be a place to reflect on the memories of your past life and heal your mind.

WhiteDoorIcon The White Door[]

Staffed by nurses and psychiatrists, The White Door uses assessment-oriented clinical psychology to determine the patients’ profile and plan of action to work with their illnesses. Their services include meditation, cognitive stimulation therapy, art therapy, behavior analysis, mindfulness, existential therapy, brain stimulation therapy, hypnotherapy, Jungian analysis, reality therapy, biofeedback, neurofeedback, and fishing therapy.

In reality, the facilty’s true purpose is to extract the memories of the patients to create black cubes. While the patients are asleep and dreaming, the doctors hook them up to a machine connected to a television to extract their memories. However, if the patient wakes up during the operation, it can corrupt the memories and turn them into a Corrupted Soul.

Ten patients are kept as prisoners behind locked cells in the basement, along with their cubes. In 1972, nurse Sarah White breaks into the basement, freeing the captive patients and escaping with them on the elevator. As a result, the Cube Locator system was activated in 1995 to track the black cubes that were lost. Documents were compiled to try and locate the patients’ cubes, which only The White Door doctors can access through the security system.

